from Streamer import Reader def main(): ''' Tasks 1. Create objects 2. Get tweets having text "Summer Camp" 3. Get tweets having text "Summer Camp", results returned in 100 seconds 4. Get 5 tweets having text "fort collins" 5. Compare your results with your peer and see if you get the same tweet 6. Get 10 tweets and check if any of then contains any hashtags 7. Compare your results with your peer and see if you get the same tweet ''' ''' 8. Get tweets having text "pizza" and count number of tweets received 9. Get tweets having text "veggie" and count number of tweets received 10. Get tweets having text "burger" and count number of tweets received 11. Calculate the percentage of each item out of the total number of tweets of three items combined Percentage of pizza = number of times (pizza) / number of time (pizza + veggie + burger) 12. Print the rank of the items ''' if __name__ == "__main__": main()